The Five-Stage Process

Replicare increases the computational reproducibility of empirical research articles by guiding reproducers through a five-stage process. Reproducers take concrete steps to assess and improve reproducibility of research claims instead of simply designating entire research articles as reproducible or irreproducible.

Step 1: Select Paper

Select a candidate paper

Step 2: Declare Research Claims

Define the scope of the exercise by identifying the claims, display items, and specifications that will be focused on during the reproduction process

Step 3: Assessment

Review and describe in detail the available reproduction package and assess the current level of computational reproducibility of the selected display items

Step 4: Improvements

Making necessary modifications such as debugging code or acquiring required data files to increase reproducibility

Step 5: Robustness

Verify the validity of the results with alternative analysis parameters.

This process is built by extending ACRE(Accelerating Computational Reproducibility in the Social Sciences) and repliCATS (Collaborative Assessment for Trustworthy Science).

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