Welcome to Replicare


Replicare is a decentralized platform to assess and improve the computational reproducibility of published empirical research.

Our Motivation

There is a replication crisis in empirical research. A large-scale replication project called the Reproducibility Project: Psychology attempted to replicate 100 published studies in psychology and found that only 36% of the studies could be replicated with statistical significance. There is a need for more independent replication to ensure the credibility of research claims. Therefore, we are developing Replicare, a decentralized platform to focus on improving the replicability of already published empirical research.

Our Solution

Experience these features at Replicare.

Crowdsourcing Anyone with a Web3 wallet can submit reproduction attempts for a research claim.

Cataloguing Researchers can now systematically explore all prior attempts at reproducing a research claim using our database.

Assessing Describe and assign a reproducibility score to a research claim.

Improving Analyse, troubleshoot and develop existing reproduction packages for a research claim.

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